KIDIGAIN is the complete NUTRITION source to PROMOTE overall growth and development in your child. KIDIGAIN is an advanced low calorie formula which contains Protein Concentrate which is a rich protein source important for healthy body.
It is a perfect supplement intake that meets the high energy demands of Kids . It also provides greater NUTRITION when compared to any other single nutrient intake. It is 100% vegetarian therefore it can be taken without any hesitation.
Ingredients (Each 10 Gms) :
Whey Protein 5 gm, Skimmed Milk Powder 2 gm, Millet Flour 1.5 gm, Crushed Sugar 1.5 gm.
Fortified with : Tal Makahana(Asteracantha longifolia) 1000 mg, Shatavar(Aspargus racemosus) 1000 mg, Vidhari Kand(Pueria tuberosa) 250 mg, Salab Panja(Orchis lantifolia) 250 mg, Punarnava(Boerhavia diffusa) 250 mg, Safed Moosali(Asparagus adsecendens) 250 mg, Salam Mishri(Orchid mascula) 500 mg, Ashwagandha(Withania somniferra) 500 mg, Munnaka(Vitis venifera) 300 mg.
Packing : 500 Gms
Disclaimer : This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Above information is for RMP only. All Claims are based on customer feedbacks and testimonials. We do not provide assurance for any results and results may vary from individual to individual.
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